The Kano Society



Kano Society Facts and Membership Details


The Kano Society was officially founded at the instigation of Richard Bowen by four members Richard Bowen, Stan Brogan, Syd Hoare and Malcolm Hodkinson.  The current Trustees are Diana Birch; Malcolm Hodkinson and John Pinnell and they have been joined at various times by committee members Chris Crook Larry Ralph and Adrian Tyndale.  We have been supported by a number of Judo stalwarts including John Cornish who has taught our Kata classes and Llyr Jones has assisted with the Bulletins. Many others are unlisted here but we are grateful to all for their involvement.



Membership levels have been modified to cater for a more on-line focus due to the difficulty experienced in catering for meeting attendance for our very scattered membership. A  Life Membership is available to those wishing to contribute. 

We are an International organisation and welcome overseas members.

(see 'How to Join' for rates)